15 useful Google Chrome extensions

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Chrome, the cross platform browser by Google has a big Store that can provide many extensions that allows you to do many tasks easily, let see 15 useful extensions.

Adblock Plus famous extension to block ads in web pages

HTTPS Everywhere porting of the popular Firefox extension, obtain the secure http address of web sites

RSS subscription extension show RSS feeds available for web sites

WhatFont recognize which fonts are used in web sites

Instant Translate allows instant translation, highlight a word or a text fragment and press T

The Camelizer add useful graphs to Amazon so you can see the price history of products

Incognito-Filter allows to add web sites in incognito mode or open new incognito mode window

BehindTheOverlay allows to close any overlay on any website with a single click

Tampermonkey allows to create scripts created by users (for example from Greasy Fork)

Blur security extension that protect your passwords, payments and privacy

Ghostery other security extension to protect your privacy, see who’s tracking your web browsing with it

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