Start programming with iOS and Android

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Do you wanna start programming for iOS and Android? This is all what you need.

In order to develop native iOS apps you need:

– a Mac with latest OS X version (Linux and Windows users can use a Mac by subscribing to a cloud service that provides a preconfigured develop environment or can use a virtual machine).

iOS SDK and Xcode

Subscribing to Apple Developer Program you will get all tools to develop, test and distribuite your apps in the Itunes store.

The kit includes Xcode, the development environment, iOS Simulator to test/devug the apps, instruments to collect, display, and compare performance of own apps and an Interface Builder, a tool to generate interfaces.

You can also benefit of a cohomprensive documentation as well as video tutorials, a support forum and various code samples.

The projects can be compiled as runtime app (.ipa) and you can publish them in the App store.

The programming language used is Swift / Objective C.

In order to develop native Android apps you need:

– a PC with Windows, Mac or Linux
Android SDK
– an IDE (the SDK bundle includes Android Studio).

The projects can be compiled as runtime app (.apk) and you can publish them in the Google Play store.

As for iOS, you need to open a Google Play publisher account and then within Google Play Developer Console you can distribuite your own apps to users with the store.

Java is the programming language used.

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